2005 Achievements

In 2005 the EHT Environmental Commission accomplished:

Reviewed plans for proposed developments and made constructive comments which were delivered to the Planning Board by our Liaison Joe Lisa

Worked with Eagle Academy on construction of an overlook at the Arboretum. Overlook was dedicated and turned over to township on Earth Day, April 22. We also planted a memorial tree in honor of our late chairman Dick Bolger. We have now completed Phase I and II.

Obtained a grant in conjunction with Eagle Academy from the Geraldine Dodge Foundation for funding of a solar well and shed/well house at the Arboretum.

Obtained a grant from the Federal Government for restoring the landscaping at the Arboretum.

Worked with Miller School on Arbor Day Presentation for 3rd graders.

  • We had our Second Annual Poster Contest; we awarded prizes to the winning students at a Township Committee meeting, giving exposure to Arbor Day and the students.

  • We distributed about 600 seedlings on Arbor Day at the school.

  • We planted the Arbor Day 2005 Tree at EHT Intermediate School. Tree was purchased by the school.

  • Continued to actively participate in our partnership with Eagle Academy which included

  • Meeting with various grantors to secure solar power well and landscaping for the Arboretum

  • Participated in the Annual Workshop sponsored by the Cape/Atlantic Transition Network of New Jersey, which deals with creating community service learning opportunities

  • Participated in an international televised seminar which included discussion with alternative schools in France and the Netherlands regarding Eagle Academy’s partnership with the Environmental Commission

  • Attended League of Municipalities Convention in November and wrote a report to Township Committee based on what was learned at seminars.

    Continued to increase public awareness through monthly articles and reports in the Current of Egg Harbor Township




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