Egg Harbor Township Environmental Commission

Goals for 2013

"Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better"

Samuel Beckett



New Projects

  • Promote better use of Township’s open space. Work with the Township Committee/Board of Trustees (when established) to enhance the EHT Nature Reserve. For example: marking trails in the Nature Reserve and then mapping them for visitor use.


Ongoing Projects

·         Continue to work with planning board on strengthening and upgrading our environmental ordinances, especially those for tree preservation and commercial landscaping, and implementing some of the ideas from the Livable Communities Plan.

·         Continue to promote the creation of a Shade Tree Commission and the application for ANJEC Smart Growth grant for a natural resource inventory.



       Communicate with Public works regarding the maintenance required, such as:

  • Maintain grounds, cutting grass and watering as needed
  • Apply stain to existing sheds for protection of wood
  • Complete solar project by adding outside electric outlets
  • Establish security system
  • Establish nice signage for the various Eagle Scout projects at the Arboretum, we hope as an Eagle Scout project
  • Continue to repair damage as needed due to ongoing vandalism

Arbor Day

  • Continue to promote Arbor Day. 2012 marked the 10th anniversary of the Arboretum! We celebrated this achievement with an Open House.


  • Continue to review plans, as required, to ensure compliance with our township ordinances
  • Continue to work with Boy Scouts on Eagle Scout Certification programs
  • Increase our members’ awareness and knowledge of environmental concerns effecting Egg Harbor Township by participating in appropriate, new workshops etc
  • Continue to publicize the Commissions activities and accomplishments in the Current, the Press and various environmental publications such as the ANJEC Quarterly Report, our website and Facebook page, etc.
  • Participate in EHT’s Clean Communities Day with Public Works
  • Continue to work with NJ Audubon Society member John Layton and Township Administration to identify retention basins suitable for bluebird houses.

Bird count of fledglings for 2012:

Retention basin – 126 Eastern bluebirds, 6 house wrens, 14 tree swallows, 6 chickadees

Arboretum – 18 house wrens, 15 tree swallows








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