Egg Harbor Township Environmental Commission


“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking

we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein


Achievements for 2014


  • Worked on developing a “significant” tree ordinance to protect the Township’s largest and oldest trees. A preliminary draft of this ordinance has been submitted to Peter Miller for review. 

  • Planned to enhance the Big Tree inventory which would include the largest/oldest trees of a given species in the Township and would provide the basis of the requirements for a tree to be deemed “significant”.

  • Continued involvement in the development of the EHT Nature Reserve.

  • Worked with the Eagle Academy students to construct a new shed at the Arboretum.

  • Participated in Community Pride Day

  • Worked with the landscape architect on plans for improvements to the Reserve

  • Worked with Catawba Project Students for the layout and planting of new vegetation

  • Assisted with the Turkey Trot.

  • Maintain the equipment at the Arboretum.

  • Continued to work with NJ Audubon Society member John Layton and Township Administration to identify retention basins suitable for bluebird houses.

Bird count of fledglings for 2014

Nesting results for 2014:
Eastern Bluebirds 178 banded and fledged
Tree Swallows 16 fledged
House Wrens 9 fledged
Tufted Titmice 9 fledged
Chickadees 7 fledged








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