New Projects
Worked with NJDEP
Water Conservation Pilot Program and Eagle Academy
to create a series of Public Service Announcements
concerning water conservation
Worked with NJDEP as
part of the Water Conservation Pilot Program in
creating a demonstration Rain Garden. A site has
been chosen at Veteran’s Memorial Park with
construction to start in the Spring 2010
Ongoing Projects
Continued to work
with Eagle Academy on implementing the “No Child
Left Inside” curriculum with the regular weekly
classes held at the Arboretum throughout the summer
construction of second storage shed
Performed routine
maintenance at Arboretum throughout the year,
including cutting grass, picking up trash, etc
Arbor Day
Continued to promote
and organize the poster contest
individual Environmental Achievement Award to John
Ferry of Fresh Cut Lawn Service
Presented Excellence
in Commercial Landscaping Award to ACUA
Continued to review
plans, as required, to ensure compliance with our
township ordinances
Continued to work
with Boy Scouts on Eagle Scout Certification
programs, planning installation of a bird creek at
Continued to
publicize the Commissions activities and
accomplishments in the Current, the Press and
various environmental publications such as the ANJEC
Quarterly Report
Participated in
EHT’s Clean Communities Day with Public Works
Continued to work
with NJ Audubon Society member John Layton and
Township Administration to identify retention basins
suitable for bluebird houses. This project has been
a great success and EHT is part of the Birdhouse
Network with statistics reported to Cornell Lab of
Attempted to work on
strengthening and upgrading our environmental
ordinances in conjunction with Planning Board and
Livable Communities.
The Bluebird Project