New Projects
Work with Johns Jones and the Catawba Project
students’ projects at the EHT Nature Reserve,
specifically the Arboretum.
Reinstitute the lectures/workshops to the public to
promote environmental awareness, ie rain barrel
workshop, rain gardens, etc.
Ongoing Projects
Continue to encourage and work with the Planning
Board in strengthening and upgrading our
environmental ordinances, especially those for tree
preservation and commercial landscaping and
implementing some of the ideas from the Livable
Communities Plan, such as the Green Roads.
Continue to promote the creation of a Shade Tree
Continue to encourage the allotting of matching
funds towards the application for ANJEC Smart Growth
grant for a natural resource inventory.
Promote the development of natural retention basins
similar to the one created near the library along
Veterans Avenue which has survived in spite of
several accidental mowings.
Arboretum and Nature Reserve
Continue to participate in the enhancement and
promotion of the park.
Arbor Day
Continue to promote Arbor Day.
Continue to review plans, as required, to ensure
compliance with our township ordinances.
Continue to work with Boy Scouts on Eagle Scout
Certification programs.
Increase our members’ awareness and knowledge of
environmental concerns effecting EHT by
participating in appropriate workshops, etc.
Continue to publicize the Commissions activities and
accomplishments in the Current, the Press and
various environmental publications such as the ANJEC
Quarterly Report, our website and Facebook page,
Participate in EHT’s Clean Communities Day with
Public works.
Continue to work with NJ Audubon Society member John
Layton and Township Administration to identify
retention basins suitable for bluebird houses. Bird
count fledglings for 2014:
Bluebirds banded and fledged 154, tree swallows
fledged 9, house wrens fledged 15, titmice fledged
11, chickadees fledged 12.